San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo- CancerCAREpoint Garden Party
Canine Companions for Independence Dog Walk
Introducing Folks to JW House
SJSU Basketball Game- Promoting CancerCAREpoint
Girl Scout Cookie Top Sellers Sleep-Over Levi’s Stadium
Silicon Valley Kids Turkey Trot
Canine Companions for Independence Dog Walk
Hoot n Howl- Happy Hollow
BeADear-Women’s Gathering Place
Celebrity Bartender Night-Cost of Courage
March of Dimes Gala- Chris Boyd
Veterans Day Parade San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia and Supervisor Cindy Chavez
Girl Scouts Volunteer Luncheon
Next Door-Solutions To Domestic Violence-Beth Williams
“Save the Carousel”-Supervisor Ken Yeager
Girl Scouts-Levi’s Stadium
Girl Scouts-Levi’s Stadium
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